Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Register

Look to see if a supplier or business holds a Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate.

From 1 September 2024 the Fair Jobs Code pre-assessment certificate is mandatory for all suppliers tendering for Victorian Government contracts over $1 million. See, Creating fairer and safer jobs for Victorians

The Department of Jobs, Skills Industry and Regions will deliver information sessions to outline changes to the Fair Jobs Code for suppliers and businesses.

Register to attend an information session

For further information about the changes, see 

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Pre-Assessment Certificate Register

The Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Register is a publicly accessible list of suppliers and businesses who have been issued a Pre-Assessment Certificate.

Suppliers and businesses listed in this Register have met the Fair Jobs Code minimum criteria established for the Register.

Use the table below to search issued and active Pre-Assessment Certificates by:

  • Business name 
  • Certificate number
  • ABN

This data is uploaded daily.

To access CSV file of the Public Register visit Data Vic - Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Register.

Users of the Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Register agree and acknowledge:

The State Government of Victoria and the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions give no warranty that the information disclosed on the Register is true and correct or suitable for any purpose other than ascertaining if a business hold Pre-Assessment Certificate and disclaims all liability for any user’s use of the information contained in this Register.

The Government of Victoria and the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions will not be responsible at any time for any liabilities incurred or entered into by applicants, suppliers and businesses, or users as a result of, or arising out of, their obligations under this access to the Register.

