An internal shared service provider normally involves business support. It can cover many different transactional activities, decision support or strategic services for their customers.
Internal shared service providers
Some examples of internal shared service providers include:
- Carpool
- CenITex
- Digital and Analytics Service
- Facilities management
- Fleet
- Library
- Property
- Records Management
- Solicitor General
- VicTrack
Internal shared service provider engagement
Engagement with an internal shared service provider is the only instance when a Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) mandated organisation does not need to apply the VGPB supply policy framework. The Accountable Officer decides how to engage internal service providers. Cost, quality and customer satisfaction of services are regularly benchmarked so that buyers can assess the benefits.
Buyers must not ask the internal shared service provider to take part in an open market engagement process or invitation to supply. To include them in the process would create a potential conflict of interest compromising the market engagement.
Internal shared service providers are governed by the Guiding Principles endorsed by the Victorian Secretaries Board. For more information on an internal shared service provider visit the enterprise solutions website.
Contact your internal governance unit if you have any questions.