Submit a tender or quote

Understand how to submit a tender or quote for Victorian Government business, and what happens when you do.

To win Government business you need to make an offer the right format, at the right time. Get some tips on how to make a bid for work, and what happens if you are successful or unsuccessful.

How to submit an offer

You can start by learning how to get known to government organisations.

You submit your offer (also known as a tender, bid or proposal) by following the instructions in the invitation to supply documents.

Check you know what's required and make sure you know the deadline you're working to.

When you're putting together your offer documents, make sure you:

  • provide the information that’s been asked for, in the right format
  • highlight your strong points
  • focus your offer to respond to the evaluation criteria
  • make sure you have insurance in place

Depending on your type of business and what you supply, you should also consider anything you may need to include to meet Government policies like the Victorian Industry Participation PolicySocial Procurement Framework, Major Projects Skills Guarantee.


The length of time it takes to complete the procurement process depends on how complex it is. A timeline is often included in the invitation to supply document.

Late submissions are generally not accepted, unless there are exceptional circumstances. This is to make sure the process is transparent and fair.

Don’t leave submission to the last minute. Allow some time for your offer to upload if you’re submitting it electronically. For submissions through a physical tender box, check that you know where the box is located and allow time to reach it.

Ask questions about a tender

If you’re responding to a tender, you can ask the buyer any questions about the tender documents during the allocated questions period.

The buyer includes details in the tender documents about asking questions, including:

  • a contact person
  • how to contact them
  • a deadline for submitting questions

Unless your question includes commercially sensitive information, the buyer will make the question and answer available to all tenderers.

Read more about how to submit an offer electronically via a portal on the Buying for Victoria Portal

Get tips and advice on successful bidding on the Business Victoria website

Terms and conditions

You can find all terms and conditions of the goods and services procurement in the invitation to supply document. If there are none, the Victorian Government default terms and conditions apply.

Terms for construction procurement contracts operate differently, with many types of contracts available. Learn more about the different contract types 

How offers are evaluated

The evaluation of invitations to supply evaluation must be:

  • comprehensive
  • equitable
  • auditable
  • transparent

The evaluation criteria is set out in the invitation to supply document.

The buyer reviews the offers received against the evaluation criteria. Often the buyer creates a shortlist.

You’ll be told if you’re on the shortlist. The invitation to supply documents often include a timeline.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to present to the evaluation team to discuss your offer. The buyer will provide advice on who should attend the meeting.

Unsuccessful bids

All suppliers will be notified of the outcome of their offer and can request a debrief. The invitation to supply evaluation process is confidential. When the contract begins, if you’re unsuccessful you can ask for feedback on your submission.

Making a complaint

If you’ve requested and received a debrief and you’re still not happy with the process, you can make a complaint.

You need to lodge your complaint directly with the organisation managing the procurement process.

You can find details of how to do this in the invitation to supply documents, or on the organisation’s website.

Results of a tender process

Government buyers must notify all bidders of the outcome of the tender process.

The results of tender processes with a value of equal to or more than $100,000 inc. GST are also published on the Victorian Government tender system, the Buying for Victoria portal.
