When considering the need for an exemption
- Consider the relevant goods and services policy
- Consider the smallest scope that would apply to the application.
- Ensure that the proposed alternative takes the goods and services procurement principles into account.
How to apply for an exemption
Step 1: Engage the Lead Agency
Contact the relevant category manager to discuss the type and reason for applying for an exemption.
Step 2: Complete the exemption request form
Document all relevant information and evidence to support the request. Include Agency approvals to support the exemption request.
Step 3: Submit the form for Lead Agency review
Send to the relevant category manager for review.
Step 4: Lead Agency evaluation process
The state purchase contract category manager will evaluate exemption applications on a case-by-case basis. The category manager may need to ask for additional information or evidence to support the application.
Step 5: Outcome of the application for exemption
The category manager will advise the Agency of the outcome of the request.
Step 6: Review of exemptions
Approved exemptions may be subject to review periodically to ensure the exemption decision is still relevant. The Lead Agency will contact the relevant Agency in the event changes to the exemption are required, or the approval has been withdrawn.