Manage records

Understand the types of records that need to be retained for all stages in the procurement lifecycle – from planning through to lessons learned.

Why manage records?

A systematic approach to making and saving records will:

  • create evidence that business processes were followed
  • ensure evidence of decisions made
  • meet obligations for accountability and transparency

Keeping records is a legal obligation.

Accurate records are the best defence against legal challenges. They can help answer complaints and public requests for information.

Records provide an audit trail if a decision is reviewed.

Types of records

Any record that results from procurement activities needs to be retained.  This includes:

  • paper records
  • electronic records
  • extracts from databases
  • file and working notes
  • meeting notes
  • email, letters, notices.

Records need to be retained for all stages in the procurement lifecycle – from planning through to lessons learned.

Managing records

Making and keeping records is an integral part of procurement.

Follow local agency processes for creating and storing records.

Keep records secure

Follow local agency processes to apply security to procurement records.

Procurement records are confidential.  Maintain access on a need-to-know basis.

For more information, refer to the Public Record Office Victoria's guidance for Procurement - sourcing and contract management.
