- State purchase contracts & registers
- About goods and services contracts
- Browse goods and services contracts
- Amazon web services contract
- Banking and financial services
- Career management services
- Cyber security
- Electricity contract: Small sites
- Electricity contract: Large sites
- End user computing equipment
- Energy performance contracting
- eProcurement platform
- Fleet disposals
- Fuel and associated products
- Geospatial data and analytics
- Google Australia
- Legal services panel
- Mail and Delivery Services
- Master Agency Media Services (MAMS)
- Microsoft contract
- Motor vehicles
- Multifunction devices and printers
- Natural gas: Small sites
- Natural gas: Large sites
- Oracle Systems
- Print management services
- Professional advisory services
- Rapid antigen test kit
- Recruitment advertising services
- Salesforce
- SAP contract
- Security services
- ServiceNow
- Staffing services
- Stationery and workplace consumables
- Telecommunications services
- Travel management services
- Victorian office telephony services
- Browse goods and services registers
- Browse construction registers
- Find social benefit suppliers
- Digital Marketplace & Supplier Hub
- Policies
- Construction procurement
- Law, policy and construction
- Construction mandated agencies
- Construction procurement rules
- Purpose of the Direction (Construction Direction 1.1)
- Guiding Principles (Construction Direction 1.2)
- Application of the Directions and Instructions (Construction Direction 1.3)
- Exemptions (Construction Direction and Instruction 1.4)
- Complying with international agreements (Construction Direction 2.1 and Instructions 2.1 and 2.2)
- Complying with International Agreements (Attachments 1 and 2 to Construction Instruction 2.1)
- Tender preparation and planning (Construction Direction and Instruction 3.1)
- Competition and contestability (Construction Direction and Instruction 3.2)
- Promoting efficiency in the tender process (Construction Direction and Instruction 3.3)
- Tender notices (Construction Direction and Instruction 3.4)
- Tender open times (Construction Direction 3.5)
- Tender documentation (Construction Direction and Instruction 3.6)
- Evaluation criteria (Construction Direction and Instruction 3.7)
- Mandatory evaluation criteria for occupational health and safety management (Attachment 1 to Construction Instruction 3.7)
- Mandatory evaluation criteria for industrial relations management (Attachment 2 to Construction Instruction 3.7)
- Probity requirements (Construction Direction and Instruction 4.1)
- Managing probity in public construction (Construction Direction and Instruction 4.2)
- Forward notices (Construction Direction and Instruction 5.1)
- Publishing details of procurement undertaken (Construction Direction and Instruction 5.2)
- Disclosure of contracts and variations to contracts (Attachment 1 to Construction Instruction 5.2)
- Use of registers and supplier panels (Construction Direction and Instruction 6.1)
- Contracting requirements (Construction Direction and Instruction 7.1)
- Contractual terms and conditions (Construction Direction and Instruction 7.2)
- Compliance with policy requirements (Attachment 2 to Construction Instruction 7.2)
- Debrief for tender participants (Construction Direction and Instruction 8.1)
- Supplier performance and shared reporting regime (Construction Direction and Instruction 8.2)
- Complaints (Construction Direction and Instruction 8.3)
- Public Construction Procurement Committee (Construction Direction 8.4)
- Standards for public construction (Construction Direction and Instruction 9.1)
- Responsibilities of the Accountable Officer (Construction Direction 10.1)
- Delegation (Construction Direction 10.2)
- Authorising provisions (Construction Direction 11)
- Construction matters nominated by the Secretary
- Definitions for public construction procurement
- Government pre-qualification registers for construction
- Public Construction Procurement Committee
- Construction toolkit
- Construction procurement guidance
- Guiding principles (Construction Guidance 1.2)
- Application of the Directions and Instructions (Construction Guidance 1.3a)
- Defining public construction (Construction Guidance 1.3b)
- Exemptions (Construction Guidance 1.4)
- Tender preparation and planning (Construction Guidance 3.1)
- Competition and contestability (Construction Guidance 3.2.1)
- Limited tenders (Construction Guidance 3.2.2)
- Promoting efficiency in the tender process (Construction Guidance 3.3)
- Tender notices (Construction Guidance 3.4)
- Tender open times (Construction Guidance 3.5)
- Tender documentation (Construction Guidance 3.6)
- Evaluation criteria (Construction Guidance 3.7)
- Probity – apply public sector values (Construction Guidance 4.1.1)
- Probity – treat tender participants fairly and equally (Construction Guidance 4.1.2)
- Probity – maintain confidentiality of tender participants’ confidential information (Construction Guidance 4.1.3)
- Probity – auditable, accountable and transparent tender and contract management processes (Construction Guidance 4.1.4)
- Probity – identify and manage conflicts of interest (Construction Guidance 4.1.5a)
- Probity – commitment from tender participants (Construction Guidance 4.1.5b)
- Managing probity in public construction procurement (Construction Guidance 4.2)
- Forward notices (Construction Guidance 5.1)
- Publishing details of procurements undertaken (Construction Guidance 5.2)
- Use of registers and supplier panels (Construction Guidance 6.1)
- Contracting requirements (Construction Guidance 7.1)
- Compliance with legislative and policy requirements contracting requirements (Construction Guidance 7.2.1)
- Non-standard commercial arrangements (Construction Guidance 7.2.2)
- Debrief for tender participants (Construction Guidance 8.1)
- Supplier performance and shared reporting regime (Construction Guidance 8.2)
- Complaints (Construction Guidance 8.3)
- Responsibilities of the Accountable Officer (Construction Guidance 10.1)
- Delegation (Construction Guidance 10.2)
- Goods and services procurement
- Goods and services procurement legislation
- Goods and services compliance
- Goods and services mandated agencies
- Goods and services policies & guides
- Governance: Goods and services policy and guides
- Governance policy
- Contract management planning strategy
- Develop a procurement activity plan
- Develop a procurement strategy
- Early market engagement
- Emergency procurement plan
- Environmental impact in procurement
- Identify procurement categories
- Information security
- Improve access to government business for SMEs
- Innovation and the procurement process
- Manage an unsolicited proposal
- Prequalified supplier arrangements
- Prepare a supplier engagement plan
- Probity in procurement
- Value for money
- VGPB engagement model
- Complexity and capability assessment: Goods and services policy and guides
- Market analysis and review: Goods and services policy and guides
- Market approach: Goods and services policy and guides
- Contract management & contract disclosure: Goods and services policy & guides
- Goods and services tools and templates
- State purchase contracts and registers for goods and services
- Procurement-related policies
- Building Equality Policy
- Call Centre Code
- Fair Jobs Code - Departments and Agencies
- Fair Jobs Code
- Procurement and Fair Jobs Code - what is required by Agencies
- Fair Jobs Code - Procurement Guidelines for Departments and Agencies
- Grants and Fair Jobs Code - what is required by Agencies
- Fair Jobs Code - Grants Guidelines for Departments and Agencies
- Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Register
- Complaints under Fair Jobs Code
- Fair Jobs Code tools and templates - Agencies
- Internal shared service provider
- International agreements
- Local Jobs First
- Social procurement framework and guidance
- Social procurement framework
- Social procurement messages from Ministers
- Introduction to social procurement framework
- Victorian Government’s social and sustainable procurement objectives
- Social procurement - Victorian Government approach
- Sustainable procurement
- Social Procurement Framework requirements and expectations
- Embedding social procurement
- Social procurement planning and tactics
- Implementing and reporting social procurement
- Social procurement – relevant Government policy, legislation and initiatives
- Social procurement – terms and definitions
- Social procurement overview
- Develop a Social Procurement Strategy
- Social procurement reporting
- Steps for buyers in social procurement
- Social procurement outcomes and objectives guidance
- Victorian Aboriginal people
- Victorians with disability
- Women’s equality and safety
- Victorian priority jobseekers
- Safe and fair workplaces
- Sustainable Victorian social enterprise and Aboriginal business sectors
- Sustainable Victorian regions
- Environmentally sustainable outputs
- Environmentally sustainable business practices
- Climate change policy objectives
- Social procurement: Case studies
- Social procurement toolkit
- Social procurement document library
- Procurement Knowledge Hub
- Social procurement framework
- Supplier Code of Conduct: Buyers
- Uniforms and personal protective equipment: Buyers
- VicFleet
- Construction procurement
- Buyers guide
- Toolkit & library
- Supply to government
- How government buys
- Purchasing process
- How to get known
- Digital Marketplace & Supplier Hub
- Policies suppliers need to know about
- Building equality policy
- Fair Jobs Code for suppliers and businesses
- Fair Jobs Code
- Fair Jobs Code guidelines for suppliers and businesses
- Apply for a Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate
- Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate - Guidelines for supplier and businesses
- Prepare a Fair Jobs Code Plan
- Fair Jobs Code Plan - Guidelines for suppliers and businesses
- Complaints under Fair Jobs Code
- Fair Jobs Code tools and templates - suppliers and businesses
- Local Jobs First Policy
- Social Procurement Framework for suppliers
- Supplier Code of Conduct for suppliers
- Uniforms and personal protective equipment: Suppliers
- Victorian Government Purchasing Board expansion
- Submit a tender or quote
- Manage your contract as a supplier
- Find opportunities
- About