Disclose details of the contract

Find out how to disclose details of a contract.

Why disclose contracts?

Disclosing details of a contract:

  • secures open government
  • allows independent oversight of contracting activities
  • fosters a culture of openness
  • supports accountable decision making

How to disclose contracts?

Step 1: Review requirements for disclosing contracts

For goods and services – See Contracts disclosure - goods and servcies guide 

For construction – See Publishing details of procurement undertaken (Construction Direction and Instruction 5.1)

Step 2: Collate summary details of the contract

Collate information about the contract:

  • title
  • identification number
  • category of contract:  Goods and services, construction, other
  • reference code for the contract
  • summary details of the contract
  • value
  • start and end dates
  • service provider details
  • Agency contact for further information

Step 3: Prepare the contract for disclosure 

For higher value contracts, some Agencies are required to disclose the full text of the contract.

Prepare the contract for disclosure, considering:

  • if there is a need to redact information
  • intellectual property ownership.

Any redactions should be kept to a minimum. The location of information redacted should be clearly described.

Do not publish to a website information for which the Agency does not hold intellectual property rights. Advise that such information is available on request.

For goods and services – see Contract disclosure - goods and services guide

For construction – see Disclosure of contracts and variations to contracts (Attachment 1 to Construction Instruction 5.1)

Step 4: Local Agency process 

Contact the Agency’s procurement governance unit for the process to follow.

Often, a template form will be completed setting out details of the contract. Supporting documents, such as a copy of the contract, may be needed.

Submit contract disclosure template and documents, requesting that details of the contract be disclosed.

Step 5: Update Agency contract register 

Update the Agency’s contract register, where a register is in use.


Manage probity and conflicts of interest

Manage probity – consider issues raised at Probity issues by stage and task.

Conflicts of interest can arise during this task. Identify, declare, and manage these. Follow Agency procedures for managing conflicts of interest.

Address Agency rules 

Consult Agency procurement team for advice on meeting:

Follow Agency specific rules on when to seek an approval and who can give the approval.

Follow Agency specific rules for recording decisions and storing records.
