Why debrief participants?
Debriefing participants:
- Fosters good relationships between participants and the Agency
- Helps participants Understand reasons why their offer was successful or unsuccessful
- Helps participants prepare better offers
- Supports open, fair, and transparent procurement processes
How to debrief participants?
Step 1: Follow the supplier engagement plan
Follow the supplier engagement plan set out in the market approach documents. The documents should outline:
- who will perform the debrief
- how the debriefs will be undertaken
- when the debriefs will take place
For more information see:
Debrief for tender participants (Construction Guidance 8.1)
Supplier feedback over the procurement process – goods and service guide
Step 2: Advise participants of the procurement outcome
Once the contract has been awarded to the successful participant, all other participants should be advised in writing of the outcome of the procurement process.
As part of this advice, participants should be offered a debrief, and be provided information on the Agency’s complaint management process.
Use local Agency templates where available.
Step 3: Provide a debrief
A debrief may take the following structure:
- welcome and introductory points
- tender governance process
- overview of the evaluation process
- general impressions of the offer
- highlight strengths and weaknesses of supplier's submission against the selection criteria
- supplier feedback on the procurement process
- closing statements from supplier and the organisation
Step 4: Record details for the debrief
Make notes of the points raised at the debrief. File records of the debrief following local Agency process.
Manage probity and conflicts of interest
Manage probity – consider issues raised at Probity issues by stage and task.
Conflicts of interest can arise during this task. Identify, declare, and manage these. Follow Agency procedures for managing conflicts of interest.
Address Agency rules
Consult Agency procurement team for advice on meeting:
- procurement rules and policies
- Agency specific rules and policies
Follow Agency specific rules on when to seek an approval and who can give the approval.
Follow Agency specific rules for recording decisions and storing records.