Manage contracts, relationships and delivery. Find out how to deal with issues and what to do at the end of a contract.
Manage the project
Keep the work on track in a structured way:
- follow any key performance indicators (KPIs) detailed in the contract and give regular progress reports
- set up debriefs and review meetings at key milestones
- set up regular, formal meetings
- discuss any challenges with the buyer as they happen
Manage relationships
Good relationship management means dealing with issues before they become a problem.
From the start of the contract:
- establish and maintain a constructive relationship with the buyer
- communicate regularly, both informally and in more formal meetings
Help maintain a strong relationship:
- provide positive and constructive feedback
- listen, identify any issues early and address them promptly
- always explain your decisions and actions in an impartial way
Dealing with issues
The buyer may have a documented process for managing issues, or you may agree on a process at the start of the contract.
Raise any issues early, and always try to resolve them directly with the buyer if possible.
Monitor and review
The buyer may have a documented process to monitor your progress against the contract and your KPIs if they are included in your contract.
Check in regularly with the buyer to make sure they're happy with how things are going:
- arrange regular performance review meetings
- work with your buyer on future direction and strategy for the contract. You could organise a meeting every six months that looks at the future rather than day-to-day operations
- if there are variations to the contract, make sure they are visible and discuss how to handle them
Report progress
Follow the reporting requirements set out in your contract, which might cover:
- regular operational review meetings
- what reporting is needed
- measuring KPIs
- budget considerations
- project progress reports
Documentation becomes very important if there’s an issue or dispute about what has been agreed. Thorough documentation can help keep your work on track.
When you're coming to the end of the contract
Talk to the buyer before the end of the contract about if it will be renewed, rolled over, extended or if you will need to go back through the procurement process or if a new process will be followed.