Find social benefit suppliers

Find out what a social benefit supplier is and where to find them.

Victorian Government departments and agencies can learn how to implement and apply the Social Procurement Framework at Social Procurement Framework and guides.

Suppliers can learn how to work with Government to deliver social and sustainable outcomes at Social Procurement Framework for suppliers.

What is a social benefit supplier?

The Victorian Government considers that all suppliers can deliver one or more social and sustainable outcome when doing business with Government.

One approach to social procurement – the direct approach – is where departments or agencies directly deliver social or sustainable outcomes by purchasing goods, services or construction from a social benefit supplier.

Definition of social benefit supplier

Social benefit supplier means a business that:

  • is a Victorian social enterprise;
  • is a Victorian Aboriginal business and is verified by Supply Nation or Kinaway; or
  • provides ‘supported employment services’ as defined in section 7 of the Disability Services Act 1986 (Cth), and operates and has business premises in Victoria

Victorian social enterprise means an organisation that is:

  • certified by Social Traders, and operates and has business premises in Victoria

On 30 June 2023, the map for impact was decommissioned. Buyers are now required to find certified social enterprises through the Social Enterprise Finder.

Victorian Aboriginal business means a business that:

  • is at least 50 per cent Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander-owned;
  • undertakes commercial activity; and
  • operates and has business premises in Victoria

The Victorian Government continues to explore opportunities to engage social procurement partners to identify and verify other types of social benefit suppliers.

Social benefit suppliers

Social enterprises

Social enterprises are businesses that trade to intentionally tackle social problems, improve communities, provide people with access to employment and training, or help the environment. They derive most of their income from trade (not donations or grants) and use the majority of their profits (at least 50 per cent) to contribute to their social mission.

The Victorian Government has partnered with Social Traders to connect government buyers with certified Victorian social enterprises.

Government buyers can find Victorian social enterprises on the VendorPanel procurement platform. VendorPanel has a social benefit supplier marketplace that provides government buyers with access to Social Traders’ Social Enterprise marketplace.

Government buyers also have access to the Social Traders secure buyer portal to identify certified social enterprises.

On 30 June 2023, the Map for Impact was decommissioned. Being listed on the Map for Impact is no longer grounds to be considered a social enterprise under the Framework. Buyers can now search for certified social enterprises using the Social Enterprise Finder(opens in a new window). 

Aboriginal businesses

The Victorian Government values the important contribution that Victoria’s Aboriginal business sector makes to Victoria’s economy and community. Improving the visibility and networks of Victorian Aboriginal businesses is a strategic priority of Tharamba Bugheen – Victorian Aboriginal Business Strategy 2017-2021. The Aboriginal business sector is large and diverse, and includes for-profit businesses, social enterprises and community enterprises.

The Victorian Government has partnered with Kinaway to connect government buyers with verified Victorian Aboriginal businesses. Supply Nation also provides a national directory that can help government buyers find Victorian Aboriginal businesses.

Government buyers can find Victorian Aboriginal businesses on the VendorPanel procurement platform. VendorPanel has a social benefit supplier marketplace that provides government buyers with access to:

  • the Kinaway Marketplace for Indigenous Business Owners. You can also search the Kinaway Marketplace online: Kinaway Marketplace
  • Supply Nation’s Indigenous Business Direct marketplace. You can also search the Indigenous Business Direct marketplace online: Indigenous Business Direct Marketplace

Australian Disability Enterprises

Australian Disability Enterprises are Commonwealth-funded (and generally not-for-profit) organisations that seek to operate in a commercial context, specifically to provide supportive employment opportunities to people with moderate to severe disability.

Government buyers can find Australian Disability Enterprises using BuyAbility’s online directory.
