Government organisations must plan what they want to buy and let the market know their plans. This means more Victorian businesses can get involved in supplying to government.
Forward notices for public construction
Forward notices provide information on upcoming procurement opportunities.
Government buyers publish a forward notice for:
- works opportunities valued over $500,000 (inclusive of GST)
- construction services opportunities valued over $200,000 (inclusive of GST).
The forward notice shows:
- a brief description of the procurement
- type of procurement process
- indicative program
- capabilities that apply, like holding a certification or holding prequalification under a register
- policies that affect the procurement.
Find forward notices under ‘Advance Tender Notices’ on the Buying for Victoria portal.
The portal allows you subscribe to tender categories and receive alerts for advanced tender notices.
Information shown in a forward notice is subject to change or cancellation. The information included in a forward notice is for planning purposes only. It does not represent a pre-solicitation or an invitation for bids. It is not a commitment to buy the works or construction services described in the notice.
Procurement activity plans for goods and services
Departments and agencies publish a procurement activity plan each year. The plan has details of what the departments and agencies intend to buy during the year.
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Government Services
Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Department of Transport and Planning
Department of Treasury and Finance
Accident Compensation Conciliation Service (Workplace Injury Commission)
Architects Registration Board of Victoria
Coliban Region Water Corporation
East Gippsland Region Water Corporation
Emergency Services Superannuation Board
Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water
Mallee Catchment Management Authority
Melbourne and Olympic Parks Trust
North East Catchment Management Authority
North East Link State Tolling Corporation
Victorian Funds Management Corporation
Victorian Institute of Teaching
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Westernport Region Water Corporation
William Angliss Institute of TAFE
Other projects
The Local Jobs First Strategic Projects Forward Plan:
- lists current and future projects covered by the local Jobs First Policy
- describes local content requirements
- provides industry with early project alerts and the opportunity to register their interest in these projects.