Staffing services contract

The contract covers hiring administration, IT and specialised roles not covered by either admin or IT recruitment.


Details of the Staffing Services contract is outlined in the Staffing Services User Guide.

The guide can be found in the confidential section.

Contract details

Lead agency: Department of Government Services

Conditions of use: Mandatory

Contract reference number: SS-01-2021

Arrangement type: Panel

Start date: 01/09/2021

End date: 31/08/2025

What’s covered

This contract covers the following main areas of staffing services:

  • general administration and clerical roles
  • IT roles
  • specialist roles in professions not covered by administration or IT

Using this contract

All Victorian Government departments and agencies are eligible to use this contract.

Find out who can use state purchase contracts.

This contract provides:

  • competitive prices and discounts
  • simple pricing structure
  • simple terms and conditions
  • a choice of suppliers


Supplier staff categories

Review the Staffing services categories to identify which suppliers can be used for each staff category.

Staffing services contract - Supplier staff categories
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Tier 2 suppliers

Suppliers may engage with tier 2 suppliers for specialist candidates.

Buyers can request candidates from a tier 2 supplier, but all requests need to go through the relevant supplier.

Tier 2 suppliers are listed in the staffing services user guide.

New suppliers can contact the category manager for guidance on how to become a tier 2 suppliers.

How to buy

Buyers need to request access to the confidential information system to join this contract.

Department contract managers
