Security services contract

This contract offers security services, including static guarding, patrolling, mail scanning and alarm response.


The Security services contract is being refreshed. The Request for Tender has now closed and offers are currently under evaluation.  


This contract offers security services, including static guarding, patrolling, mail scanning and alarm response.

Lead agency: Department of Government Services

Conditions of use: Mandatory

Contract reference number: SS-02-2017

Arrangement type: 5 suppliers

Start date: 1 February 2018

End date: 31 July 2024

Key benefits

Key benefits of this contract include:

  • flexibility to cover your security requirements
  • a wide range of security services
  • supplier choice and competition through a panel arrangement
  • fair pay for security workers and subcontractors at six percent above the Security Services Industry Award
  • the no less favourable mechanism to protect the pay and conditions of security workers.

What’s covered?

This contract covers these main areas of security:

Static guarding

Employment of a security officer at a specified post for a specified period. Static guarding duties include:

  • monitoring and controlling entry of personnel and/or vehicles to a site
  • concierge/reception duties
  • producing and issuing passes to authorised personnel
  • searching personnel and their belongings (and operating equipment to conduct searches)
  • guarding gates
  • inspecting vehicles
  • giving directions to people
  • answering telephones
  • recording times of entry and exit of visitors
  • responding to routine and emergency incidents
  • on-site and off-site control room operations
  • operating, close circuit television (CCTV)
  • fire panels/systems, alarm systems and attending incidents
  • fire warden/chief fire warden duties.

Patrolling sites

Patrolling includes:

  • a mobile security officer to patrol sites, on foot or by vehicle
  • a physical presence to deter crime, and watching for safety and security.

Patrol officers can lock up in the evening and  open up in the morning. Patrol officers can inspect doors, windows and gates for signs of unauthorised entry.

Mail scanning

Mail scanning includes inspecting and scanning mail or parcels on delivery. Only trained security can scan and inspect, as scanning requires specialised equipment.

Alarm response

Alarm response includes security officers response to any alarm activation notified to them.

Other security services

Other security services include the following:

Corporate events

Corporate events are special events held at a Government site that may need security.  Functions and events may occur at any time, can be infrequent and be on weekends or public holidays. 

Remote locations

Security can cover remote sites located anywhere up to the borders of Victoria. It can include patrolling perimeters or monitoring sites for safety and security.

Crowd control events

Security for a planned event, held in a building or series of buildings or an area of defined open land. This includes general shows, fairs, concerts, sporting events and public events.


Security services provided on call when urgently required.

Supplier details

How buyers join this contract

Buyers need to request access to the confidential information system to join this contract.

How buyers use this contract

Anyone using this contract must follow the rules of use.

Step 1: Identify the security services you need

Advise the category manager by email of the intention to use this panel.

Confirm scope of the requirement, following local Agency processes.   

Step 2: Get internal approval to use a panel supplier

Get all necessary financial and process approvals according to local Agency procurement policy. 

Step 3: Prepare a statement of work and request for quote

Create a statement of works, including:

  • a work schedule showing hours of work, days of work and shift pattern
  • description of the required security services 
  • locations
  • technical requirements
  • start date and estimated duration of the engagement.

Step 4: Prepare a request for quote

Complete the request for quote template located in the confidential information section.  

The template must be used for any supplier engagement on this contract.

If seeking to transfer a current contract, include the current pay and conditions for security workers in the pricing template to meet the no less favourable requirement.

Send the statement of works and the request for quote including the pricing template to the panel suppliers.

It is recommended that all panel members are approached to ensure prices are competitive.

Step 5: Evaluate potential supplier responses 

Conduct an assessment of supplier responses, considering:  

  • capabilities 
  • risk management 
  • social procurement 

If applicable, consider the no less favourable rule. To understand this rule, email the category manager.

Consider interviewing suppliers to check which supplier best meets the Agency’s needs.  

During supplier interviews, discuss the statement of work and request for quote. Make sure to comply with probity requirements.  

Step 6: Select the supplier and get internal approvals

Follow local Agency process to gain approval for the selected supplier.

Step 7: Create a purchase order contract 

Create a purchase order contract, using the provided template. Do not use another template. The purchase order contract template is in the confidential section.

A purchase order contract must include:

  • the full operational needs for the security services 
  • a signature from the purchaser and the successful supplier 
  • the security staff pay and conditions that meet the no less favourable requirement (where applicable) 
  • make sure you meet all internal processes, for example accounting requirements

Provide a copy of the completed purchase order contract by emailing the category manager.

Subcontractor approval

The State is committed to limiting the use of subcontractors. If subcontracting cannot be avoided, it must be approved by both the buyer and the category manager. 

Follow these steps to gain subcontractor approval. 

Step 1: Supplier confirms a subcontractor is required

Supplier notifies the buyer and category manager of a potential requirement for a subcontractor.

Step 2: Supplier ensures the subcontractor can complete the work

Supplier reviews and assesses:

Document and keep a record of the findings.

Step 3: Supplier obtains mandatory supporting documentation

Supplier obtains and assesses: 

  • security licenses
  • insurance certificates
  • credit report to assess financial viability

Step 4: Supplier creates a valid contract with the subcontractor

Supplier ensures there is a valid contract between the subcontractor and the supplier.

Step 5: Supplier provides the State Purchase Contract and Purchase Order Contract to the subcontractor for review

Supplier ensures the subcontractor reviews and understands the requirements and key obligations under the State Purchase Contract and Purchase Order Contract. 

Supplier can omit rates.

Step 6: Supplier seeks subcontractor signature

The following signed documents commit the subcontractor to all rights and obligations arising under the Purchase Order Contract and State Purchase Contract (head agreement). 

Statement of compliance form - Security services contract
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Subcontractor code of conduct form - Security services contract
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Notice of intent to engage subcontractor form - Security services contract
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The term proposed in the Notice of Intent is the term of the subcontractor engagement. 

Step 7: Supplier seeks buyer approval

Supplier submits the following subcontractor information to the buyer for review and approval:

  • Step 3: All mandatory supporting documentation
  • Step 4: Copy of the executed contract
  • Step 6: 3 signed documents

Step 8: Supplier seeks category manager approval

Following buyer approval, the supplier completes the Subcontractor Proposal From.

Subcontractor proposal form - Security services contract
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(opens in a new window)

Submit all previous approved buyer documents from Step 7 along with the Subcontractor Proposal Form. 

Email: Security services category manager

Step 9: Category manager assessment

The category manager will either approve or reject the application. Once the assessment has been completed, the supplier will receive a notification of the outcome.

Step 10: Subcontractor contract management expectations

If successful, it is the supplier’s responsibility to manage the subcontractor in line with supplier’s performance and compliance management processes and the documentation above. 

Supplier should meet with the subcontractor to review performance, manage key performance indicators, and verify that subcontractor staff are being paid correctly. 
