Goods and services compliance

Find out how agencies comply with the goods and services supply policies.

The Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) oversees compliance with its policy framework, based on an agency’s procurement profile, through two methods:

  • annual assessment of financial management
  • accreditation.

Annual assessment of financial management

Mandated agencies must align their policies and processes with the goods and services policy framework. Each year, agencies confirm compliance through the financial management compliance framework managed by the Department of Treasury and Finance.  

Review Align with the VGPB policies – goods and services guide to understand policy requirements.  

An agency can use the alignment self-assessment checklist of requirements to assess how the agency’s policies align with the goods and services policies. 

Read Assess alignment with goods and services policies for more information on the alignment self-assessment checklist.


In addition to financial management compliance, the VGPB can request an agency seek accreditation. Accreditation is where an agency prepares a submission for the VGPB demonstrating the alignment of its policies and strategies to the policy framework. 

Accreditation is maintained through participation in the risk based audit program and reporting against key performance indicators.

Read Accreditation under the goods and services supply policies - for buyers to find out which agencies are required to undergo accreditation.

Read Obtain VGPB accreditation – goods and services guide to develop an application for accreditation.
