Goods and services Expression of Interest templates

Introduction to the Expression of Interest guidelines and template.

The Expression of interest template comprises four parts:

  • The Introduction - provides a framework for the Expression of interest
  • Part A - The Invitation
    • Part A.1 - About this invitation details the procurement opportunity
    • Part A.2 - Overview of the requirements describes the goods and/or services the Organisations is seeking from suppliers
  • Part B - Conditions of Participation - sets the rules applying to the Expression of interest process. It is divided into rules applicable to the Victorian Government and Organisation-specific.
  • Part C - Invitees response - provides space for the inclusion of an invitee response template

Part C Invitee response - has been deliberately left blank to ensure that buyers build an offer template specific to the requirements of the procurement. For further information about developing a template refer to Develop an Offer template: Goods and services guide.

The Expression of interest templates are for the use in an Expression of interest process only with the potential to be part of a multi stage procurement process. There should be no intent to engage as a direct result of the Expression of interest process.

The expression of interest template is presented in two parts. Use both parts when you use this template.

Expression of Interest template: Goods and services
Word 205.98 KB
(opens in a new window)
Expression of Interest part C invitees response: Goods and services
Word 175.29 KB
(opens in a new window)

The following guides support the expression of interest template:

The following templates support the expression of interest template:

Use the conflict of interest declaration to declare whether or not private interests influence procurement

Conflict of interest declaration and management plan template: Goods and services
Word 68.64 KB
(opens in a new window)

Use the Deed of confidentiality when goods or services require confidentiality protection

Deed of confidentiality: Goods and services
Word 67.08 KB
(opens in a new window)

Help and support

For more information about the expression of interest template and how to use it, please contact the goods and services team.
