About goods and services contracts

Find out how goods and services state purchase contracts are set up and managed.

State purchase contracts have been set up to combine demand for commonly used goods and services. This enables Government to make the most of economies of scale when buying from the marketplace.

Combining demand allows for a strong purchasing position to negotiate better value and terms and conditions. It also reduces the risk and administrative burden on buyers and suppliers.

Benefits of State purchase contracts

Benefits of state purchase contracts include:

  • better value for money using the State’s buying power
  • supply and service continuity
  • reduced risks through pre-negotiated contract terms and conditions
  • improved quality assurance
  • efficiency gains through a standard and consistent approach
  • increased accountability and governance
  • improved contract monitoring and reporting
  • ability to drive continuous improvement
  • access for suppliers through competitive tender processes.

Who must use the contracts

All goods and services mandated Agencies must use state purchase contracts.

Expansion Agencies transition to state purchase contracts will be staggered between 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2023, based on annual spend. Visit Victorian Government Purchasing Board expansion to find out more.

Who can use the contracts

In most cases, the following types of organisations can use these contracts:

To find out, contact the relevant category manager.

Lead Agency forums

Lead Agency is responsible for ensuring appropriate representation and governance is maintained. 

User reference group

The user reference group represents buyer feedback during the end-to-end contract lifecycle. 

Terms of reference of the user reference group define the purpose of the meeting.

Project control board 

Provides strategic guidance and endorsements during sourcing project establishment and execution phases. The project control board represents the interests of key stakeholders and ensures: 

  • buyer community views are known and considered within the scope of the project.
  • the project aligns with government policies and Victorian government needs.

Terms of reference of the project control board define the purpose of the meeting.


Limited grounds apply if an Agency believes that it cannot use a contract. These grounds are set out in Market analysis and review – goods and services policy.

Find out how to apply for an exemption from using a state purchase contract.
