Acronyms for goods and services

This list of acronyms relates to terms appearing in the goods and services supply policies and guides.

Acronyms for Goods and Services
ABSAustralian Bureau of Statistics
AOAccountable Officer
APCCAustralian Procurement and Construction Council
BAFOBest and Final Offer
CIPSChartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
CMPSContract Management Planning Strategy
CPOChief Procurement Officer
CPSContracts Publishing System
DEDepartment of Education
DEECADepartment of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DFFHDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
DGSDepartment of Government Services
DHDepartment of Health
DJCSDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
DJSIRDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
DPCDepartment of Premier and Cabinet
DTFDepartment of Treasury and Finance
DTPDepartment of Transport and Planning
EOIExpression of Interest
FMAFinancial Management Act 1994
FMCGFast-Moving Consumer Goods
FOIFreedom of information
GSTGoods and Services Tax
HSVHealthShare Victoria
HVHRHigh Value, High Risk
IBACIndependent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission
ICN (Vic)Industrial Capability Network (Victoria) Limited
ICTInformation and Communications Technology
IPUInternal Purchasing Unit
ITInformation Technology
ITSInvitation to Supply
KPIKey Performance Indicator
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MTIAMajor Transport Infrastructure Authority
PAPProcurement Activity Plan
PASProfessional Advisory Services
PROVPublic Records Office of Victoria
RATRapid Antigen Test
RFPRequest for Proposal
RFIRequest for Information
RFQRequest for Quote
RFTRequest for Tender
RTORegistered Training Organisation
ROIRegistration of Interest
SEPCSole Entity Purchase Contacts
SMESmall to Medium Enterprises
SPCState Purchase Contract
TAFETechnical and Further Education
UNSPSCUnited Nations Standard Products and Services Code
VAGOVictorian Auditor-General's Office
VFMValue for Money
VGPBVictorian Government Purchasing Board
VicPolVictoria Police (Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police)
VIPPVictorian Industry Participation Policy
VMIAVictorian Managed Insurance Authority
VPSCVictorian Public Sector Commission
VRQAVictorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
VTSVictorian Telecommunications Services
WoLWhole of Life
WoVGWhole of Victorian Government

