Professional advisory services for buyers

Steps buyers need to follow to use this panel.


The list of approved suppliers is available on the eProcurement platform(opens in a new window).

How buyers join this contract

Register as a new buyer to access the eProcurement platform (Government users only).

Existing buyers can go directly to the eProcurement platform.

Log in to VendorPanel

New buyers must request access to the eProcurement platform to view confidential information.

By registering with the eProcurement platform, buyers agree to the Professional advisory services panel’s terms of use.

Terms of use for Professional Advisory Services
PDF 89.59 KB
(opens in a new window)


For support with the eProcurement platform: 


Phone: 03 9095 6181

Access for government entities

All Victorian government entities (mandated agencies, government-owned entities, local government councils and government-supported organisations) can request access to the panel via the eProcurement platform registration.

How buyers use this contract

Step 1: Read the user guides

Read the user guide for important information about this contract.

Professional Advisory Services State Purchase Contract User Guide
PDF 351.65 KB
(opens in a new window)

Review the administrative guidelines on engaging professional services. The guidelines contain updated decision-making and approval requirements for labour hire and professional services use.

Administrative Guidelines on engaging Professional Services in the VPS

Step 2: Work out the services required

Buyers need to establish the service required and use the service category that matches the service need.

Step 3: Seek internal approval to send a request for proposal

Buyers will need to follow local Agency processes to get approval before issuing a request for proposal.

The table below lists Agency procurement contacts.

Step 4: Create a request for proposal within the eProcurement platform.

Login to the eProcurement platform(opens in a new window) to create and issue a request for proposal using the professional advisory services template. Buyers must not use an alternative template.

The number of quotes required will depend on your Agency procurement policy.

For complex or high-value services, consider requesting quotations from a wider range of service providers.

More information on assessing the complexity and capability of a service is available at Complexity and capability assessment policy and guides.

Buyers should:

  • define the scope of work
  • develop evaluation criteria to evaluate offers
  • seek a cost breakdown of the total fees proposed.

The evaluation criteria must describe:

  • how each supplier will be evaluated
  • how those criteria are ranked in order of relevance.

To better evaluate value for money, the evaluations should have both:

  • qualitative evaluation criteria
  • quantitative evaluation criteria.

The following policy applies to quotations made under this panel:

Ensure that the requirements of these policies are included in the request for proposal and the evaluation criteria.

Step 5: Issue the request for proposal and choose a supplier

Issue the request for proposal in the eProcurement platform.

When the evaluation period closes, log in to the eProcurement platform to review the offers submitted.

Evaluate each offer based on the evaluation criteria outlined in the request for proposal. Buyers may conduct the evaluation in the eProcurement platform or offline.

Select a supplier based on a value for money assessment.

Rates listed in the eProcurement platform are ceiling rates. Buyers should:

  • verify that quoted rates are not higher than the ceiling rate
  • negotiate lower rates.

If a fixed fee is offered, buyers will need to request a breakdown from suppliers to assess if the offer is cost efficient.

Extract copies of the following documents and files from the eProcurement platform in accordance with records management policies:

  • request for proposal
  • supplier questions and clarifications issued, if any
  • all offer documents received from the supplier.

Step 6: Seek internal approval

Seek and obtain approval before sending a purchase order.

Step 7: Send a purchase order

Complete a purchase order using the professional advisory services purchase order template. The template is also available in the eProcurement platform.

Professional Advisory Services purchase order template
Word 65.64 KB
(opens in a new window)

Finalise the request for proposal on the eProcurement platform. Make sure the successful supplier is awarded in the eProcurement platform and the agreed quote is recorded.

Inform all unsuccessful suppliers and provide feedback on how they can improve for next time.

More information is available in the supplier feedback guide.

Step 8:  Manage the contract

Manage the agreement following local Agency guidelines and refer to the Professional advisory services user guide.


Check invoices to ensure all the details are correct. Verify the costs against what was agreed in the Professional advisory service purchase order.

Once verified, all invoices must be paid within the timeframe agreed in the Purchase Order.


Buyers must resolve and manage disputes. Review resolution processes outlined in Clause 27 of the contract to assist.

Buyers must inform the category manager of any dispute.

Evaluate performance

Help to improve this contract and complete the survey.

Answers are confidential. Buyers are encouraged to provide open and honest feedback.

The survey will take around 5 minutes to complete.

Take the survey(opens in a new window)


Exemptions from using this contract may be permitted on a case-by-case basis.

See the Professional advisory services user guide (Section 3, exemption process) for more information.

Agencies with annual spend on professional advisory services below $10,000 are not obliged to buy from this contract.

If an Agency with annual spend on professional advisory services below $10,000 wishes to engage a supplier that is on the panel then the Agency must engage the supplier under the contract via VendorPanel.
