Contract details
Lead agency: Department of Government Services
Conditions of use: Non-mandatory
Contract reference number: SPC 2017-20
Arrangement type: Sole supplier
Start date: 1 February 2020
End date: 31 January 2025
What’s covered
This contract covers the following services:
- sales
- service
- marketing
- community
- analytics
- commerce
Using this contract
All Victorian Government departments and agencies are eligible to use this contract.
Find out who can use state purchase contracts.
This contract provides:
- value for money
- simple process for using Salesforce cloud services
- standard contract terms
Supplier details
ABN: 91 109 182 989
Address: 55 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Contact name: Larry Williams
Role: State Director
Mobile: 0410 344 133
How to buy
This contract is available on Digital Marketplace.
Digital Marketplace
A place where government can buy goods and services from businesses.
Anyone using this contract must follow the rules of use.
Help and support
For help using the Digital Marketplace, contact the Customer Support team at in a new window) or 1800 840 966(opens in a new window).