Fair Jobs Code tools and templates: suppliers and businesses

Tools and templates to help suppliers and businesses comply with the Fair Jobs Code.

From 1 September 2024 the Fair Jobs Code pre-assessment certificate is mandatory for all suppliers tendering for Victorian Government contracts over $1 million. See, Creating fairer and safer jobs for Victorians.

The Department of Jobs, Skills Industry and Regions will deliver information sessions to outline changes to the Fair Jobs Code for suppliers and businesses.

Register to attend an information session

For further information about the changes, see 

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(opens in a new window)

Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Register

The register is a publicly accessible list of suppliers and businesses that have been issued a Pre-Assessment Certificate.

Use the register to check to see if a supplier or business holds a Pre-Assessment Certificate.

Access the Fair Jobs Code register.

Apply for and renew a Pre-Assessment Certificate

Use the Fair Jobs Code Portal to apply for a Pre-Assessment Certificate.

Access the Fair Jobs Code Portal 

Apply for a Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate has information on how to apply and renew a certificate.

Notify changes in circumstances

To notify a breach of the Code:

To advise changes of circumstances not related to a breach, contact the Fair Jobs Code Unit.

Complaints about suppliers and business

Complaints under the Fair Jobs Code describes who can submit a complaint.

To make a complaint against a current Pre-Assessment Certificate holder, access the Fair Jobs Code Complaints Form.

General complaints

To make a general complaint about an action or service provided by the Fair Jobs Code Unit, use the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Complaints form.

Fair Jobs Code templates

Tools and templates to assist with applying for Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificates:

Fair Jobs Code Plan (template)
Word 879.99 KB
(opens in a new window)
Fair Jobs Code Plan Addendum (template)
Word 874.71 KB
(opens in a new window)

See Prepare a Fair Jobs Code Plan.

Fair Jobs Code library

Read key documents on the Fair Jobs Code:

Fair Jobs Code
PDF 1.04 MB
(opens in a new window)

Fair Jobs Code (accessible version)

Fair Jobs Code - Fact sheet
PDF 486.65 KB
(opens in a new window)

Fair Jobs Code - Fact sheet (accessible version)

Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Guidelines for Suppliers and Businesses
PDF 1.35 MB
(opens in a new window)

Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate Guidelines for Suppliers and Businesses (accessible version)

Fair Jobs Code Plan Guidelines for Suppliers and Businesses
PDF 1.43 MB
(opens in a new window)

Fair Jobs Code Plan Guidelines for Suppliers and Businesses (accessible version)


Contact the Fair Jobs Code Unit.
