Complete evaluation plan

Understand how to create an evaluation plan that sets out the evaluation criteria and describes how offers will be evaluated.

Why complete the evaluation plan?

The evaluation plan:

  • sets out the evaluation criteria
  • describes how offers will be evaluated
  • describes who will evaluate the offers

Completing the evaluation plan before approaching the market supports procurement that is:

  • transparent
  • accountable

Preparing an evaluation plan is mandatory for:

How to complete the evaluation plan

Step 1: Review planning steps

Review planning actions, see Plan for evaluation

Step 2: Consult project sponsor

The project sponsor appoints the evaluation team.

Consult project sponsor to find out the membership of the evaluation team.

Step 3: Prepare the evaluation plan

Evaluation plans must include:

See Components of an evaluation plan.

When procuring construction works and construction services, Evaluation criteria (Construction Instruction 3.7) requires certain evaluation criteria be used.

Step 4: Work with the evaluation team

Work with the evaluation team to:

  • confirm the purpose of the evaluation
  • identify evaluation criteria
  • determine how to
    • assess compliance with conditions
    • evaluate against each criterion
    • analyse risks
    • calculate costs
    • develop shortlists, if short lists will be used
    • select the preferred supplier
  • confirm decision rules – how to measure or score offers
  • decide if a ‘best and final offer’ stage will be used
  • select tools to support the evaluation
  • confirm key dates for the evaluation

Include evaluation criteria for procurement related policies when these policies apply to the tender.  Procurement related policies may include:

  • Local Jobs First
  • Social Procurement Framework, including Building Equality Policy
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Uniforms and personal protective equipment
  • Fair Jobs Code

Draw on Plan for procurement-related policies.

Step 6: Manage probity and conflicts of interest

Manage probity – consider issues raised at Probity issues by stage and task.

Conflicts of interest can arise during this task.  Identify, declare, and manage these.

Use of a probity advisor or probity auditor may be required, depending on the value of the procurement. See:

Step 7: Address Agency rules

Consult Agency procurement team for advice on meeting:

Follow Agency specific rules on when to seek an approval and who can give the approval.

Follow Agency specific rules for recording decisions and storing records.

Step 8: Administrative approval for the evaluation plan 

Seek administrative approval for the evaluation plan from the project sponsor.

Obtain this administrative approval before approaching the market.
