Complete end of contract reporting activities

Find out how to report on the contract to meet policy and legal requirements.

Why report on the end of the contract?

Agencies may require reporting at the end of a contract to:

  • ensure contract closure activities are conducted in line with policy
  • ensure project processes and outcomes are recorded, enabling later audit or review

How to implement contract reporting activities

Step 1: Create and maintain records

Create and maintain records on how the:

  • contract was planned
  • invitation documents were developed
  • how the service provider was selected
  • contract was delivered and managed
  • contract was concluded

Step 2: Review the contract

Review contract documents to identify reporting requirements.

Contract reporting requirements may include:

  • reconciling expenditure
  • reconciling income generated by the contract
  • confirming all deliverables have been received
  • stakeholder satisfaction surveys

Step 3: Special reporting requirements

Additional reporting requirements may apply under procurement-related policies.  See Reporting activities under procurement-related policies.

Ensure reporting requirements under the Standing Directions 2018 made under the Financial Management Act, are completed.

Step 4: Complete contract reporting activities

Complete reporting activities, using:

  • local Agency templates
  • templates developed policy owners or regulators

Step 5: Communicate findings to service provider

Communicate findings of end of contract reporting to the service provider, where applicable. 

Pass this information on in a timely manner.

Step 6: Invite service provider to respond

Invite the service provider to respond to findings of end of contract reporting, where applicable.

Step 7: Report outcomes of contract review

Follow Agency processes to report the outcomes of contract review activities.

For goods and services contracts, Contract management – Goods and services guide sets out a scalable framework for reporting.


Manage probity and conflicts of interest

Manage probity – consider issues raised at Probity issues by stage and task.

Conflicts of interest can arise during this task.  Identify, declare and manage these.

Address Agency rules

Consult Agency procurement team for advice on meeting:

Follow Agency specific rules on when to seek an approval and who can give the approval.

Follow Agency specific rules for recording decisions and storing records.
