Safe and fair workplaces is one of the 7 social procurement objectives in the Social Procurement Framework.
One outcome has been identified for this objective:
- Purchase from suppliers that comply with industrial relations laws and promote secure employment.
Other procurement-related policies
Buyers are advised to consider whether use of this objective is appropriate.
The Fair Jobs Code (see below) applies to all procurement activities where the contract value is $1 million and above. This objective does not apply to procurement activities where the Fair Jobs Code applies.
Under $1 million threshold, purchasing from suppliers that comply with industrial relations laws is already required by the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Therefore, the remit of this objective is already captured by other policies.
Fair Jobs Code
Government buyers considering the use of this objective in their procurement activity need to be aware of the Fair Jobs Code:. From 1 September, the Fair Jobs Code applies to all tender and procurement activities valued at $1 million and above. This objective does not apply to procurement activities where the Fair Jobs Code applies.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines minimum ethical standards in behaviour for government suppliers. This includes labour and human rights.
For more information see, Supplier Code of Conduct for buyers.
Call Centre Code
To procure call centre services, buyers are required to comply with the Victorian Government Call Centre Code.
Procurement activity by threshold
Buyers must always follow local Agency procurement processes.
For procurements less than $1 million (regional) or $3 million (metro or State-wide), purchasing from suppliers that comply with industrial relations laws is already required by the Supplier Code of Conduct.
From 1 September 2024, the Fair Jobs Code will apply to all tender and procurement contracts valued at $1 million and above. This objective does not apply where the Fair Jobs Code applies.
Also, see Social procurement requirements and expectations for ideas about recommended actions based on value thresholds. Value thresholds are exclusive of GST.
Applicable legislation
All suppliers are required to comply with their legal obligations. This includes:
- applicable legislation and regulations
- industrial awards and agreements
- tribunal decisions
- contracts of employment
For more information see, Industrial Relations Victoria and Fair Work Act requirements: Content of agreements.
Construction works
To procure the supply of Works valued at $500,000 plus (inclusive of GST), buyers need to use the mandatory evaluation criteria for industrial relations management in tender documents.
This is set out in the Construction standard form contracts.
Tools and support
For more information about social procurement, please contact Buying for Vic.