Opportunities for Victorian Aboriginal people
This aim has 2 outcomes:
- buying from Victorian Aboriginal businesses
- employing Victorian Aboriginal people
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- hire Victorian Aboriginal people
- subcontract to suppliers that hire Victorian Aboriginal people
- engage Victorian Aboriginal businesses
Opportunities for Victorians with disability
This aim has 2 outcomes:
- buying from Victorian social enterprises and Australian Disability Enterprises
- employing Victorians with disability
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- hire Victorians with disability
- subcontract to suppliers that hire Victorians with disability
- engage Victorian social enterprises that hire Victorians with disability
- engage Australian Disability Enterprises that operate and have business premises in Victoria
Women’s equality and safety
This aim has 2 outcomes:
- adopting family violence leave
- advancing gender equality
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- hire female employees
- adopt recruitment practices and internal policies that promote gender equality
- adopt a family violence leave policy
For further information, refer to the Women’s equality and safety objective fact sheet.
Opportunities for Victorian priority jobseekers
This objective has 2 outcomes:
- purchasing from Victorian social enterprises
- job readiness and employment for Victorian priority jobseekers by suppliers to the Victorian Government
To achieve this objective, suppliers can:
- access employment services to hire job-ready Victorian priority jobseekers
- engage Victorian social enterprises that hire Victorian priority jobseekers
Organisations such as Jobs Victoria can help with this aim. For further information refer to the Fair and Inclusive Employment fact sheet.
Supporting safe and fair workplaces
The Supplier Code of Conduct helps safe and fair workplaces. Suppliers are expected to comply with the behaviour standards outlined in the Code. It applies to all contracts, agreements and purchase orders from 1 July 2017.
This aim has 1 outcome:
- buying from suppliers that comply with industrial relations laws and promote secure employment
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- evidence that they comply with industrial relations laws
- adopt policies or initiatives that support permanent and secure jobs for employees
Sustainable Victorian social enterprise and Aboriginal business sectors
This aim has 1 outcome:
- buying from Victorian social enterprises and Aboriginal businesses
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- develop relationships with Victorian social enterprises and Aboriginal businesses, either directly or indirectly through an organisation
- identify opportunities to engage these suppliers in providing goods, services, or construction
Sustainable Victorian regions
This aim has 1 outcome:
- providing job readiness and employment for people in regions with entrenched disadvantage
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- get to know their local community and Victorian regions with high levels of disadvantage and unemployment
- establish relationships with businesses that operate in, or hire people from, regions with high levels of disadvantage and unemployment
Environmentally sustainable outputs
This aim has 2 outcomes:
- project-specific requirements to use sustainable resources and manage waste and pollution
- use of recycled content in construction
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- demonstrate how it will use resources sustainably and manage waste and pollution in relation to the project
- substitute alternative or recycled materials for virgin resources (if permitted under, or specified in, the contract)
For further information, refer to the Environmentally sustainable outputs fact sheet.
Environmentally sustainable business practices
This aim has 1 outcome:
- adoption of sustainable business practices
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- develop an environment policy that outlines sustainable business practices such as reducing waste, increasing recycling, and reducing energy consumption and pollution
For further information, refer to the Environmentally sustainable business practices fact sheet.
Implementing the Climate Change Policy objectives
This aim has 2 outcomes:
- project-specific requirements to minimise greenhouse gas emissions
- buying products or services that are resilient against the impacts of climate change
To achieve this aim, suppliers can:
- develop an environmental management system that covers greenhouse gas emissions
For further information, refer to the Implementing Climate Change Policy Objectives fact sheet.
For more information about social procurement, contact the Social Procurement Team.