Amazon web services contract

This contract supplies Amazon web services cloud infrastructure services.


This contract supplies Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure services.

Lead agency: Department of Government Services

Conditions of use: Non-mandatory

Contract reference number: DPC-ICT-02-2021

Arrangement type: Sole supplier

Start date: 23 November 2021

End date: Evergreen (in an evergreen contract, the parties agree that the contract rolls over automatically until one party gives notice to terminate the contract).

Key benefits

The key benefits of this contract are:

  • competitive pricing
  • increased support services

What's covered

This contract provides:

  • Amazon Web Services cloud services
  • VMWare cloud
  • Amazon Web Services professional services
  • enterprise support
  • training and certification

Supplier details

Name: Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd

ABN: 63 605 345 891

Address: L18, 8 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000


Contact name: Simon Dugina

Title: Sales Manager Public Sector

Phone: 0478 304 329


How buyers join this contract

The process to access this contract has changed.

Buyers need to request access to the Digital Marketplace to join this contract.

How buyers use this contract

For new buyers:

  1. Contact the Amazon Web Services Account Executive to discuss pricing and services.
  2. Seek internal approval. Follow local Agency procedures to seek approval for the purchase.
  3. Request the Web Services mutual non-disclosure agreement form from the Amazon Web Services Account Executive.
  4. Complete the Amazon Web Services mutual non-disclosure agreement and send back to the Amazon Web Services Account Executive to receive the following documents:
    • Amazon Web Services Affiliate Addendum
    • Additional Addenda to support the purchase
  5. Fill in and sign Amazon Web Services Affiliate Addendum and any additional Addenda. Return the completed forms to the Amazon Web Services Account Executive.

For buyers under the former 2014 Amazon Web Services enterprise agreement wanting to transition to this contract:

The same process applies to new buyers.


  • a new Amazon Web Services mutual non disclosure agreement must be signed
  • new Amazon Web Services Private Pricing Addendum and Affiliate Addendum will also be required.

For buyers who are current uses of Amazon Web Services provided through a third party and wanting to transition to this contract:

Contact the third party advising the intention to transition to this agreement.
