This contract provides electricity to sites using over 40 MWh per year, including renewable energy certificates, along with supplying new sites.
Lead agency: Department of Government Services
Conditions of use: Mandatory
Contract reference number: SS-03-2018
Arrangement type: Sole supplier
Start date: 01 July 2019
End date: 30 June 2025
Key benefits
Key benefits include:
- risk management for energy and environmental certificates
- cost-efficient energy in a volatile wholesale market
- the ability to add new sites.
What’s covered?
This contract covers these main areas of retail electricity supply services:
- electricity for large sites using more than 40 MWh per year
- accredited GreenPower at percentages of 5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
- renewable energy certificates
Use of this contract is not limited to sites agreed in the contract. New sites can be added to the contract under conditions agreed with the category manager and the supplier.
Supplier details
This contract is a sole supplier arrangement with Red Energy.
Red Energy Pty Ltd
Red Energy: 107 479 372
Address: 570 Church Street, Cremorne, VIC 3121
Customer Support Phone: 1300 322 057
Customer Support Email:
How buyers join this contract
Buyers need to request access to the confidential information system to join this contract.
Access confidential information
Buyers follow this process to access confidential information.
How buyers use this contract
See About goods and services contracts to understand which Agencies must use this contract and which entities may be eligible to use this contract.
To determine eligibility, contact the Energy team.
Step 1: Seek internal approval
Check to see if internal approval is required to use this contract.
Step 2: Complete the roll in form
Complete the roll in form based on the site’s annual consumption. Site connection must align with the contracted supplier based on estimated or historical consumption.
Step 3: Submit the roll in form and confirm eligibility
Email the roll in form to the large sites electricity team. The category manager will review the form and confirm the entities eligibility.
If approved, the category manager will send the roll in form to the supplier and notify the buyer.
Step 4: Supplier to contact approved Agency
Allow up to 10 business days from submission of the roll in form for the supplier to provide connection to the site. The supplier will confirm to the buyer when connection has been established.