eServices for suppliers

Steps suppliers need to follow to join the register.

The eServices register is an open register. Suppliers may apply to join at any time.

There is no restriction on the number of suppliers listed in the register.

How suppliers apply to join this register

The eServices and IT infrastructure registers are now combined. The new register is called the eServices Register and it is available on Digital Marketplace(opens in a new window). 

This register lists suppliers who offer IT services and infrastructure hardware and maintenance. Infrastructure hardware includes things such as servers, storage, networking. 

Watch the video below to find out more about the eServices register. 

Suppliers must apply to join the eServices register.

Suppliers seeking to join the register will need to:

  • Follow the steps below
  • Meet all registration requirements

Every step must be completed as part of the application process.

Step 1: Register on the Supplier Hub

Suppliers must register on Supplier Hub and have an enabled supplier profile. 


Step 2: Apply for the eServices register

Follow these steps to navigate the Supplier Hub and apply for the eServices register:

  1. Log in to Supplier Hub
  2. Select the 'My Business' tile
  3. Select the 'SPCs and Registers' tile
  4. Select the 'eServices Register' in the 'Available SPCs and registers' section and click apply.
  5. Complete all mandatory questions

Insurance requirements

Follow these steps to upload insurance requirements:

  1. Check the mandatory insurance requirements for each selected category
  2. Upload valid insurance certificates that match the category requirement

Contract requirements

  1. Accept the mandatory eServices Contract and the IT Infrastructure Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (including Schedules 1-10). 

These are the minimum terms and conditions of the eServices Register. The relevant contract applicable upon contract award is based on the products and services the supplier is providing to the Victorian Government. The eServices Contract is applicable when supplying IT services and the IT Infrastructure Purchase Order Terms and Conditions is applicable when supplying IT hardware products. 

More details can be found in the eServices register category descriptions

Step 3: Undertake the Fair Job Code pre-assessment 

All suppliers must hold a Fair Jobs Code certification to participate in state purchase contracts and registers. 

Apply for a Fair Jobs Code Pre-assessment certificate

Step 4: Wait for approval

The eServices Register administrator will either approve or reject the application. Once the assessment has been completed, the supplier will receive a notification of the outcome.

Step 5: How suppliers bid for work

Once approved, an Agency will invite suppliers (via email) to bid for work through the Digital Marketplace. The Digital Marketplace is an online procurement system. Suppliers will need to follow the steps in the Digital Marketplace to submit an offer.

Suppliers are encouraged to access the 'Help and Support' tile in Supplier Hub to browse guidance on how to respond to invitation opportunities.

Step 6: Terms of engagement

If selected as the preferred offer to supply under this register the supplier will be required to sign:

  •  eServices contract variables document
  •  IT Infrastructure purchase order terms and conditions

The Agency will select the applicable contract based on the products and services the supplier will provide. 

How the eServices register contracting framework operates

  1. Supplier applies for registration having familiarised itself with the minimum terms and conditions.
  2. Supplier ensures it is comfortable with the minimum terms and conditions of the Register and submits their registration request on the basis that if engaged by a purchasing agency under the Register, it will contract under:
    1. the terms and conditions of the Register, and
    2. any non-contradictory terms inserted in the Contract Variables or IT Infrastructure Purchase Order Template
  3. The eServices Register administrator assesses registration requests and onboards suppliers if they meet the registration requirements.
  4. Supplier is invited to respond to a tender released by a purchasing agency under the eServices Register.
  5. Supplier responds to tender invitation.
  6. If successful, completes the Contract Variables document and/or the IT Infrastructure Purchase Order Template with the purchasing agency.
  7. Once signed, the Contract Variables document and/or the IT Infrastructure Purchase Order Template incorporates all relevant terms and conditions in the head contract.
  8. The Contract is fully established and includes the following four documents in order of precedence:
    1. the head contract terms and conditions
    2. non-contradictory terms and conditions in the Contract Variables and/or the IT Infrastructure Purchase Order Template
    3. the Request that the purchasing agency sends out to market
    4. the Response submitted by the contracted supplier.

Relevant documents

Suppliers must read the following and use them where needed.

eServices register supplier rules of use

Full list of categories available in this register

Contracts for eServices categories/scope:

eServices contract (April 2021)
PDF 688.17 KB
(opens in a new window)
eServices - contract variables
Word 70.3 KB
(opens in a new window)

Contracts for IT Infrastructure categories/scope:

IT Infrastructure - purchase order terms and conditions
PDF 416.11 KB
(opens in a new window)
IT Infrastructure - purchase order template
Word 63.68 KB
(opens in a new window)
IT Infrastructure - schedules 1 - 10
Word 63.97 KB
(opens in a new window)
