Introducing the Social Procurement Annual Report 2021-22

Message from Danny Pearson, Minister for Government Services.

Headshot of Danny Pearson MP, standing in Treasury Gardens.

Danny Pearson
Minister for Government Services

The Victorian Government is building a sustainable future and supporting Victoria’s economic and social recovery. We know our purchasing decisions can benefit all Victorians, so we take a whole-of-government approach to everything we buy – goods, services and construction.

Victoria’s Social Procurement Framework means all government departments and agencies use their buying power to the greatest effect. They’re not focused only on the lowest price but also on delivering social and economic benefits. They’re giving social value to Victorians while delivering valuable services and infrastructure to Victoria. They’re ensuring every Victorian – no matter their gender, background or ability – can participate and share in our economic recovery. And they’re helping get the people who need the most support into sustainable jobs.

In 2021–22, our government spent $27.5 billion on goods and services and $18.7 billion on public construction and infrastructure. Spending this money
wisely delivered social, environmental and economic outcomes, including inclusive employment.

The Social Procurement Framework supports us to increase spending with social enterprises to create greater opportunity and inclusion. This was recognised at the international Catalyst 2030 Awards when our Social Procurement Framework and 2021–25 Social Enterprise Strategy won the Asia Pacific Government Award for its work in supporting social entrepreneurship and sustainability.

Our government has also committed to economic parity for Aboriginal Victorians within a generation, launching a $25 million Aboriginal employment and economic strategy1 that brings employment and business initiatives together. The Framework supports this outcome by directing purchasing toward Aboriginal-owned businesses and encouraging suppliers to employ Aboriginal Victorians.

Yuma Yirramboi (‘Invest in Tomorrow’ in the Woiwurrung language) was developed in partnership with the Koori Caucus of the Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council and the Aboriginal community.

It will support First People's businesses, employment, and wealth creation by improving the economic participation of Aboriginal young people, women, those living with a disability and those in regional Victoria.

This work is changing lives and transforming communities. It is creating sustainable jobs and providing opportunities for all Victorians, so everyone can share in the prosperity ahead.

You can read some of their stories in this report.

Footnote 1: These figures have been extracted from the ‘Improving economic prosperity for Aboriginal Victorians’ media release, July 2022.
