Procurement-related policies apply, in addition to the procurement policies.
Goods and services procurement policies
Read the Goods and services supply policies.
Goods and services procurement
How agencies buy goods and services is governed by rules, laws and policies. Understand when and how to apply the policies.
Goods and services procurement-related policies tool and fact sheet
Follow the steps in the online tool to identify different policies that apply to goods and services procurement based on the financial value of the activity.
Review the fact sheet to understand which policies apply to good and services procurement activity.
Goods and services procurement-related policies tool
Find out what policies may apply to your procurement activity.
Goods and services procurement-related policies: Fact sheet
Find out when procurement-related policies apply.
Goods and services procurement-related policies
Review the Goods and services procurement-related policies.
Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Labour Hire in the Victorian Public Service
This Guidelines provides decision making principles and practical guidance that supports public service bodies and entities to determine when the use of labour hire is appropriate.
Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Professional Services in the Victorian Public Service
This Guideline provides decision making principles and practical guidance that supports public service bodies and entities to determine when the use of professional services is appropriate.
Call Centre Code
The Call Centre Code has been developed to assist people to understand the Victoria Government's requirements and expectations in relation to the call centre industry.
DataVic Access Policy
This policy describes the plan for enabling public access to government data based on 5 principles.
Fair Jobs Code - Departments and Agencies
Find out what the Fair Jobs Code is and what departments and agencies need to do to implement the code.
Intellectual Property Policy
The Intellectual Property Policy is the State's framework for the ownership and management of its intellectual property, and for its use of Intellectual property belonging.
Internal shared service provider
An internal shared service provider is a government organisation that provides a service for a fee to other government organisations as a customer.
International agreements
Find out the additional rules that apply when international agreements apply to a procurement.
Labour Hire Licensing Scheme
Understand the obligations as a labour hire host when using the services of labour hire providers.
Local Jobs First
Local Jobs First is focused on promoting employment and business growth by expanding market opportunities for local industry and providing for industry development.
Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme
Victoria’s portable long service scheme means workers in community services, contract cleaning and security can now accrue long service entitlements and transfer them from job to job.
Single-use Plastics Policy
Get ready for the single-use plastics ban.
Social Procurement Framework & guidance
Governance for how the Victorian Government undertakes social procurement.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Find what standards suppliers must aspire to meet when doing business with the Victorian Government.
Uniforms and personal protective equipment: Buyers
Find out what rules apply when procuring uniforms and personal protective equipment for use by Victorian Government employees.
Vehicle policy
Find out everything you need to know about motor vehicles when working for the Victorian Government.