- Date:
- 8 Aug 2022
This fact sheet helps buyers determine which procurement-related policies apply to goods and services procurement activity. Multiple policies may apply to the same procurement activity.
The list describes goods and services procurement-related policies requirements. It is intended as a guide and does not represent an exhaustive list of all procurement-related policy requirements.
Buyers may use the Goods and services procurement-related policies tool to find out what policies may apply to your procurement activity.
Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Labour Hire in the Victorian Public Service
Read Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Labour Hire in the Victorian Public Service
The policy applies to
Public service bodies and public entities under the Public Administration Act 2004 (unless exempted in the Guidelines).
Labour hire
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Pre-approval requirements when procuring labour hire.
- Staffing services contract.
Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Professional Services in the Victorian Public Service
Read Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Professional Services in the Victorian Public Service
The policy applies to
Public service bodies and public entities under the Public Administration Act 2004 (unless exempted in the Guidelines).
Professional services
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
Pre-approval requirements when engaging professional services.
State purchase contracts and registers:
- Professional advisory services contract
- Legal services panel contract
- eServices register
- Marketing services register
Call Centre Code
Read Call Centre Code
The policy applies to
Public service bodies and public entities under the Public Administration Act 2004.
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Supplier compliance checklist required.
- Model contract and tender clauses.
DataVic Access Policy
The policy applies to
Departments and public bodies under the Financial Management Act 1994.
Procurement involving datasets or databases (excluding software)
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
Procurement processes and contracts must reflect the requirements in the DataVic Access Policy when developing and procuring datasets and databases.
Fair Jobs Code
See Fair Jobs Code
The policy applies to
Departments and public bodies subject to Victorian Government Purchasing Board policies and entities listed in Schedule 1 to the Fair Jobs Code.
All goods and services
Financial threshold
- Applies to procurement activities valued $1 million or more.
- Requirements vary based on financial thresholds.
- Applies from 1 December 2022. Updated on 1 September 2024.
- Model contract and tender clauses.
- Requirements for buyers, suppliers and subcontractors:
- Pre-Assessment Certificate for suppliers and for significant subcontractors (>$1 million)
- FJC Plan (>$20 million)
- Monitoring and reporting requirements.
- Compliance will be monitored.
Fair Payments Policy
The policy applies to
Departments and agencies listed in Appendix A to the policy.
All goods and services
Financial threshold
- Contracts valued up to $3 million.
- Payment within 10 business days.
- Penalty interest may apply for late payments.
Intellectual Property Policy
Read Intellectual Property Policy
The policy applies to
Departments and public bodies under the Financial Management Act 1994.
All goods and services
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Contracts must address Intellectual Property rights consistently with the Intellectual Property Policy, notably Principle 9 (procurement).
- Impacts the ownership and licensing of project and background Intellectual Property.
Internal Shared Service Provider
Read Internal Shared Service Provider
The policy applies to
Follow department and agency internal process to determine which service providers must be used.
Shared service provider categories
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
Where such arrangements are in place, they should be used, and an open market engagement process is not required.
International Agreements
The policy applies to
Departments and agencies listed as being subject to international agreements.
All goods and services
Financial threshold
International Agreements:
> $693,000 (inclusive of GST)
Australia New Zealand Government Procurement Agreement:
- Applies to procurement activities of any value.
- Provide a level playing field between domestic and international tenderers.
- Dispute resolution clause in tender documentation.
- Notice requirements.
Labour Hire Licensing Scheme
Read Labour Hire Licensing Scheme
The policy applies to
Departments and agencies that engage workers through a labour hire provider.
Labour hire
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Ensure that suppliers that are labour hire providers are licensed by the Labour Hire Authority
- Penalties for not engaging licensed labour hire providers for labour hire.
- Tool: Register of Licensed Labour Hire Providers.
- Agencies subject to the VGPB supply policies must use the Staffing Services contract (unless exempted) for labour hire
Local Jobs First Policy
Read Local Jobs First
The policy applies to
Departments and public bodies under the Financial Management Act 1994.
All goods and services
Financial threshold
Applies to procurement activities valued:
- $1 million or more (regional).
- $3 million or more (metro or state-wide).
- Local content requirements.
- Model contract and tender clauses.
- Minimum tender evaluation weightings.
- Local Industry Development Plan.
- Monitoring and reporting requirements.
Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme
Read Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme
The policy applies to
Departments and agencies that use suppliers with suppliers in the community services, contract cleaning, and security industries.
Community services, cleaning, security services
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Ensure that suppliers with workers in the relevant industries are registered with the Portable Long Service Authority.
- Tool: Register of Portable Long Service Authority.
Single-Use Plastics Policy
Read Single-Use Plastics Policy
The policy applies to
Departments and agencies listed as being subject to the policy.
Catering and stationery
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Ensure banned single-use plastics are not supplied during the procurement activity.
- State-wide ban came into effect February 2023.
Social Procurement Framework
Read Social Procurement Framework
The policy applies to
Departments and agencies subject to Standing Directions 2018.
All goods and services
Financial threshold
- Requirements and minimum expectations vary based on financial thresholds.
- Social and sustainable objectives and outcomes.
- Model contract and tender clauses.
- Monitoring and reporting requirements.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The policy applies to
Departments and agencies subject to Standing Directions 2018.
All goods and services
Financial threshold
- Applies to procurement activities of any value.
- Minimum standards of conduct by suppliers.
- Monitoring and enforcement requirements for non-compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment
Read Uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment
The policy applies to
Departments and Agencies subject to Standing Directions 2018.
Clothing, footwear, and personal protective equipment
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Procurement requirements:
- Locally manufactured uniforms and PPE
- Registered suppliers on the Ethical Supplier Register
- Model contract and tender clauses.
- Contact the Department of Government Services before issuing an invitation to supply.
Standard Motor Vehicle Policy
Read Standard Motor Vehicle Policy
The policy applies to
General government departments and agencies.
Motor vehicles
Financial threshold
- Applies to relevant procurement activities of any value.
- Option to use the Finance Lease Facility
- Only passenger and light commercial. vehicles on the Approved Vehicle List can be procured.
- State purchase contracts: