Social procurement – Department and agency reporting requirements for buyers

Find out what reporting requirements are established by the Social Procurement Framework.

It is important that processes exist to measure the benefits of social procurement to ensure that value for money is achieved and substantiated. Government departments and agencies subject to the Standing Directions 2018 under the Financial Management Act are required to: 

  • report on their social procurement activities under the Social Procurement Framework in their own Annual Reports; and 
  • contribute to an annual whole of Victorian Government report on aggregated social and sustainable outcomes and benefits. 

Information on reporting requirements for departments and agencies can be found in the ‘Social Procurement Framework Measurement and Reporting Guidelines’. Please contact the Social Procurement Team to request a copy of these guidelines. 

Government buyers and contract managers play an important part in this reporting process by collecting data on performance against social procurement commitments at the individual contract level. 

The Social Procurement Framework annual reporting requirements are mandatory for all departments and agencies. Clear and accurate reporting at the contract level is essential to ensure the annual public reporting process is robust and efficient. 

Tools and support

This content on this page is taken from the Social Procurement Framework – Buyer Guidance – Guide to contract management and reporting. Access a PDF version in the social procurement document library

For more information about social procurement, please contact the Social Procurement team
