In early 2023, the VGPB and departmental CPOs identified building procurement capability as an emerging priority for the Board. To support this priority, DGS is developing a series of eLearning courses tailored to the VGPB policy framework for buyers across government. DGS also continues to deliver regular peer-to-peer learning sessions for procurement professionals.
Across the Victorian Government, procurement is largely delivered through decentralised operating models. Most low and medium-value procurements are carried out by buyers in the business units of government agencies, supported by procurement specialists. Capability building activities are being designed to suit both procurement specialists and other government buyers, recognising their differing needs.
Whole of Victorian Government Procurement Officers’ Meeting
DGS hosts a series of peer-to-peer learning events throughout the year known as the Procurement Officers’ Meeting. These events bring together around 200 procurement practitioners from across departments and agencies to share and learn from each other. Five meetings were held in 2023–24 covering procurement and related policies and guidance updates with a focus on contract management as the procurement practice theme for the year.
Launch of the Procurement Knowledge Hub
The VGPB is overseeing development of a series of eLearning courses to support departments and agencies to lift procurement capability. In late 2023, DGS launched the Procurement Knowledge Hub (the Hub), a centralised platform for procurement professionals and general government buyers across departments and agencies. Users can complete eLearning courses, access guidance, download tools and templates, request support and register for upcoming events.
March 2024 marked a key milestone with the launch of the first eLearning courses in the Introduction to Procurement series. Targeted to those new to procurement, buyers can access these interactive courses to learn more about Victorian Government procurement policies for goods and services and build foundational procurement skills.
Course content is aligned with the VGPB policy framework with lots of practical advice and examples. Courses are easy to follow and have been designed to suit the needs of different buyers across the Victorian Government.
Other more advanced courses have since been added, including evaluating and selecting offers. More content will be developed over the coming year to support buyers to build their expertise and deliver good procurement outcomes for Victoria. Agencies can also access training on other policy areas on the Hub, such as the Social Procurement Framework.
Read the following case study to learn how the Hub is providing benefits.
CASE STUDY: A game-changer in procurement – lifting capability across VMIA’s procurement team through eLearning on the Hub

The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) gained early access to the Hub’s eLearning courses, allowing them to build capability without the cost and time needed for in-house development.
The VMIA identified a need to enhance procurement skills within its internal procurement unit (IPU) and leadership team and align themselves with the VGPB’s policy framework. They approached DGS to request early access to the courses, aiming to roll out procurement education across their business units to meet their capability plan targets.
Both IPU members and senior leaders found the courses to be highly relevant to their needs. One IPU member described the Knowledge Hub as a ‘a game-changer’ for the IPU team, noting that, ‘the materials are comprehensive and highly relevant to our specific procurement environment. We've seen a noticeable improvement in our procurement efficiency and effectiveness.’
Senior leaders – who tend not to be procurement specialists – also benefitted from the course, gaining critical knowledge of Victorian Government procurement processes. VMIA’s Head of Financial Accounting praised the course quality, stating, ‘I feel more equipped and understand government procurement processes better.’
The Hub saved VMIA time and money through staff training on VGPB policy and best practices in supplier engagement. The Procurement and Contracts Manager observed that the increased procurement knowledge among senior leaders had led to more efficient and timely management of procurement processes. This initiative paves the way for continuous improvement in their procurement practices.
Feedback to date has been positive. Approximately 400 buyers have registered for courses on the Hub, and the ‘Introduction to Procurement’ course has received a five-star rating.
About VMIA
VMIA is the Victorian Government’s insurer and risk adviser, covering the people, places and projects that help Victorians thrive.