Gabrielle Williams, Minister for Government Services
Government procurement is one of the largest drivers in our state’s economy. Through innovative social procurement policy, government procurement decisions have the power to drive sustainable growth for all Victorians.
The Social Procurement Framework (the Framework) ensures that value-for-money considerations that underpin all Victorian Government procurement decisions encompass opportunities to deliver sustainable social, environmental and economic outcomes that benefit our communities.
During the 2022–23 financial year, the Victorian government spent $27.3 billion on goods and services and $21.8 billion on public construction and infrastructure1. With careful planning in line with the Framework, we used this spending strategically to create employment opportunities for priority groups and make it easier for Victorian Aboriginal businesses, social enterprises and Australian Disability Enterprises to do business with government.
From 1 January 2023, the social procurement policy implementation and assurance functions were brought together under the Minister for Government Services at the newly created Department of Government Services (DGS). This consolidation improves coordination and delivers efficiency dividends among these different services.
In 2022–23, DGS focused on supporting government buyers in engaging with Victoria’s vibrant social enterprise sector and growing the Aboriginal business sector to strengthen Aboriginal Victorians’ self-determination.
DGS also improved social procurement data collection and digital tools to demonstrate the value of social procurement and help government hone in on areas where we can deliver valuable social, environmental and economic outcomes.
The Framework continues to be an important policy lever to generate social value above and beyond the value of the goods, services or construction being procured. With it, we can ensure that Victorians, regardless of gender, background or ability, share in our state’s prosperity. I am proud to share some of their stories in this report with you.
1: Figures were extracted from the 2022-23 Financial Report. The Victorian government goods and services spend figure used in this report was calculated by deducting finance expenses and fees, and insurance claim expenses from ‘Other operating expenses’.