About the Framework in 2022-23

Value for money is a key consideration underpinning all Victorian Government procurement decisions.

Victorian Government procurement is one of the largest drivers of the Victorian economy. Value for money is the key consideration underpinning all Victorian Government procurement decisions. The Social Procurement Framework (the Framework) ensures value-for-money considerations are not solely focused on price but encompass opportunities to deliver social and sustainable outcomes that benefit the entire Victorian community. In this way, the Framework helps government create economic benefit and jobs for all Victorians.

Objectives and outcomes

The Framework has 10 objectives, each with specific and measurable outcomes.

Social procurement annual report 2022-2023 28 Table 1: The Framework's objectives and outcomes
Table 1: The Framework's objectives and outcomes
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Social procurement objectives and summary of priorities

The Framework is used by more than 260 government departments and agencies3 to identify their social and sustainable procurement goals. These goals are detailed in the agency’s Social Procurement Strategy or Plan and will often align with other government strategies, priorities and initiatives. Departments and agencies report on progress towards their social and sustainable procurement goals in their respective annual reports and contribute to the whole-of-government report. The priority objectives of departments and core agencies in 2022-23 are depicted in Table 24

Social procurement annual report 2022-2023 28 Table 2: 2022-23 Priority objectives of departments and core agencies
Table 2: 2022-23 Priority objectives of departments and core agencies
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2: For all publicly funded construction projects valued at $20 million or more, the Building Equality Policy replaces this objective.

3: This refers to government departments and agencies subject to the Standing Directions 2018 under the Financial Management Act 1994 as at January 2023.
4: On 1 January 2023, a number of Machinery of Government changes were instituted. The agencies and departments listed here were effective as of 30 June 2023. The same changes also created DGS. As of 30 June 2023, DGS was still establishing its central procurement processes including its social procurement strategy. DGS has therefore been excluded from this table. For further information, see: https://vpsc.vic.gov.au/about-public-sector/machinery-of-government/
