Image of a construction worker in a roller machine finishing off a newly made road.

Social Procurement Framework Annual Report 2022-23

Building a fair, inclusive and sustainable Victoria through procurement.

Published by:
Department of Government Services
26 Apr 2024

The report provides a snapshot of Social Procurement Framework achievements over time and stories that showcase the impacts of the Framework on Victorians and social benefit suppliers.

The report also demonstrates the difference each government procurement can make to the lives of Victorians and Victorian communities.

It also sets a baseline to measure social procurement achievements in the future.


Victoria’s Social Procurement Framework was developed by the Department of Government Services. A range of departments and agencies across government contribute to the Social Procurement Framework annual report each year. From 1 January 2023, all functions relating to the Social Procurement Framework were coordinated by the newly formed Department of Government Services. Gabrielle Williams is the responsible Minister for the framework in her capacity as the Minister for Government Services.

The infographics and images in this report were designed by Little Rocket. The engagement of Little Rocket is an example of the Victorian Government’s Social Procurement Framework in action, directly contributing to the outcomes sought under the following 2 objectives:

  • Opportunities for Victorian Aboriginal people
  • Sustainable Victorian social enterprise and Aboriginal business sectors

Language statement

We recognise the diversity of Aboriginal people living in Victoria. We use the term ‘Aboriginal Victorians’ to include Victorian Traditional Owners, clans, family groups, and all other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descendants living in Victoria. The term ‘Aboriginal community’ includes Traditional Owners, business owners and other community representatives.


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We have provided as much of this annual report in HTML as practicable. Complex data tables are provided in position in Word documents. Diagrams with spatial information are presented in position as text.

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