The VGPB at a glance in 2022-23

Learn about the core purpose and long-term aspirations of the Board.


Provide leadership in government procurement of goods and services to deliver value-for-money outcomes for Victoria.


All procurement activity must meet 4 principles:

  • Value for money
  • Accountability
  • Probity
  • Scalability

VGPB functions under the Financial Management Act 1994

The VGPB's functions under the Financial Management Act 1994 include:

  • develop, implement, and review supply policies and practices
  • monitor compliance by departments and specified entities
  • foster improvements in procurement practices
  • establish and maintain a comprehensive database of purchasing data of departments and specified entities and supply markets for access by departments and specified entities.


Five policies to cover end-to-end procurement activity:

  • Governance
  • Complexity and capability assessment
  • Market analysis and review
  • Market approach
  • Contract management and contract disclosure


Five strategic priorities:

  • Enhance procurement systems and data
  • Deliver the expansion program
  • Improve visibility and support for good procurement
  • Create fit-for-purpose procurement
  • Build procurement capability


VGPB policies and oversight cover all Victorian Government departments and entities subject to the Standing Directions 2018 (a list of agencies can be found on Buying for Victoria). The VGPB works closely with its stakeholders to ensure its policies are modern, relevant and easy to apply.
