Plan for evaluation

Understand how to plan for a procurement evaluation.

What is planning for evaluation?

To start planning for the evaluation, think about the:

  • criteria to be used evaluate offers
  • evidence suppliers need to provide to show their capability
  • the method used to evaluate the evidence supplied against the criteria

There is little point developing evaluation criteria that:

  • suppliers cannot respond to
  • are not relevant to the need
  • Agency staff cannot assess

If the need cannot be assessed, it may be necessary to review the need.

Starting evaluation planning early allows elements of the evaluation to be included in the offer documents.  If these requirements are not included in the offer documents, it may be difficult to properly assess offers.

This planning becomes an input into Complete the evaluation criteria and evaluation plan

The draft procurement plan should include consideration of how the offers will be evaluated.

How to plan for evaluation

Step 1: Consider the need

Consider the need that has been defined at Define the need.

Step 2: Consider the risk management planning

Consider the initial risk management planning.

A well-designed evaluation plan can help to mitigate some of the risks identified in Analyse risks.

Consider the planning for procurement-related policies.

Determine if procurement-related policies applying to the tender require the use of particular evaluation criteria.

See, Local Jobs First evaluation requirements.

See,  Social Procurement Framework evaluation requirements. 

Step 4: Consider special evaluation rules

This step applies when procuring construction works and construction services.

Evaluation criteria (Construction Instruction 3.7) requires that certain evaluation criteria be used.

Step 5: Consider what to evaluate and how

For each important element of the need, consider:

  • relevant evaluation criteria
  • the evidence needed to evaluate each criterion
  • the method that will be used to evaluate the offers

Example:  While defining the need, an Agency determines that specialist structural advice is needed from consulting engineers.  This early planning reflects that the expertise and knowledge of the supplier is an important criterion.

Step 6: Consider how a supplier can respond

For each evaluation criterion, consider the evidence a supplier will need to give to show their capability to provide the need.

For each item of evidence that a supplier will need to submit, consider:

  • how easily a supplier can provide this evidence
  • how much time a supplier will need to collect or prepare the evidence
  • if evidence for different criteria can be shared

Example:  a consulting engineer can demonstrate its capability through professional qualifications, registration and work experience.  Copies of professional qualifications can be asked for.  A list of relevant work experience can be asked for.

Step 7: Involve specialists

Consult with the Project Sponsor, users, subject matter specialists and other staff with experience with the need.  They can offer help and guidance.

Step 8: Consider Agency skills

Consider the skills and expertise required to evaluate the offers.

Start planning for:

  • who should be in the evaluation team
  • how long the evaluation process will take

Early planning for the evaluation team allows:

  • some members of the evaluation team to be involved in planning the procurement
  • for specialist evaluators to ask for specific evidence needed to assess offers
  • the Agency to determine how many evaluators will be needed, and if external help is required.

Example:  When assessing offers to build a hospital, specialist advice may be required to verify the price offered.  Assessing the price offered will be easier if an itemised cost plan is included.  A specialist cost planner may need to engaged to support the evaluation.

Step 9: Record in draft procurement plan

Record information about evaluation planning in the draft procurement plan.

Start developing an evaluation plan.


Manage probity and conflicts of interest

Manage probity – consider issues raised at Probity issues by stage and task.

Conflicts of interest can arise during this task.  Identify, declare and manage these.

Address Agency rules

Consult Agency procurement team for advice on meeting:

Follow Agency specific rules on when to seek an approval and who can give the approval.

Follow Agency specific rules for recording decisions and storing records.
