This contract offers a supplier for buying and supporting Microsoft software. This includes guidance, reporting, performance, management, help desk support, subject expertise, managing disputes and modifying any changes to software.
Lead agency: Department of Government Services
Conditions of use: Mandatory
Contract reference number: DPC-ICT-01-2019
Arrangement type: Sole supplier
Start date: 30 June 2016
End date: 30 September 2026
Key benefits
The key benefits include:
- knowledge and expertise from an experienced supplier
- access to the largest licensing services provider in the country.
What’s covered
- strategic guidance and planning for Microsoft technology
- quotes, invoices, proof of licences and online services
- reporting on licensing, spending and renewals
- ongoing service
- an online system for quotes, purchasing, invoices, purchase histories and reporting
- help desk support available 24/7
- e-learning
- management of the annual renewal process
- subject matter expertise and access to specialists
- monitoring and changes to any services
- advice for disputes.
Supplier details
This contract is a sole supplier arrangement with Data #3:
Data #3
ABN: 31 010 545 267
Address: Level 4, 55 Southbank Boulevard, Southbank, VIC, 3006
Contact name: George De Bono
Role: Manager – Licensing Solutions, Victoria & Tasmania
Phone: 1300 232 823
Mobile: 0435 952 813
Note: Include in any emails.
How buyers join this contract
Buyers need to request access to the confidential information system to join this contract.
Access confidential information
Buyers follow this process to access confidential information.
How buyers use this contract
Anyone using this contract must follow the rules of use:
True-up process
This contract has an annual process for renewal. The "true-up" process makes sure organisations account and pay for services they buy through the year.
Data #3 provides these services:
- historical licensing information 90 days to the contract renewal date
- dates for any significant timelines and milestones
- the ability to process renewal orders
- reporting progress to lead departments and CenITex
- coordinating quotes and receipts.
Buyers should be aware of the full true-up process:
- each buyer needs to take part in the process by no later than 1 February each year
- if the total count deployed is above the volume your organisation uses, the extra licenses must be bought by the true-up date
- organisations should give Data #3 a statement of the products they’ve bought through the year.
- this includes subscription services.
The online services manager of each department is responsible for managing the true-up service.