Supplier Code of Conduct – Suppliers

Find out what the Supplier Code of Conduct is and what suppliers need to do to implement it.

Supplier Code of Conduct 

The Victorian State Government is committed to ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement. The Government established the Supplier Code of Conduct so that its suppliers aspire to meet the same values as the Government. 

The Victorian Government sees its suppliers as partners. The Victorian Government cares about the way suppliers do business when they work for us. 

The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the ethical standards that suppliers aspire to meet when doing business with us. 

The Supplier Code of Conduct covers the areas of: 

  • integrity, ethics and conduct 
  • conflict of interest, gifts, benefits and hospitality 
  • corporate governance 
  • labour and human rights 
  • health and safety 
  • environmental management 

Read the Supplier Code of Conduct

A summary of the Supplier Code of Conduct is available at Ensuring ethical procurement through Supplier Code of Conduct - Suppliers

When the Supplier Code of Conduct applies 

The Supplier Code of Conduct applies from 1 July 2017. 

The Supplier Code of Conduct applies to all general government sector contracts, agreements and purchase orders for the supply of: 

  • goods 
  • services 
  • construction works 
  • construction services. 

Tools and support 

Suppliers are encouraged to review the Supplier Code of Conduct and raise any concerns with their relevant contract manager.
